A Fearless Mother


The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?

Psalm 27:1

It doesn’t matter if you have one or five children—fear will attempt to grip your heart at one time or another. I remember how I lovingly took care of my firstborn son as best I could. However, with me standing right next to him, he stumbled and hit his head on the edge of the baseboard! At that moment, I realized how much control I don’t have.

Fast forward 20 years when that same young man joined the military. As much as I wanted him to choose a “safer” start to his adulthood, I knew that I had to release him into God’s hands again. Each of my five children have shown amazing courage in the face of fear when they have been tested. I believe that as I have walked in fearless faith in God, they have picked it up for themselves.

When a mom trusts in the Lord with all of her heart, she gives her children the same confidence in God. They aren’t afraid when challenged for their faith. Fear doesn’t grip their hearts when God calls them to the mission field. It’s not a presumptuous or foolish risk-taking; rather, it’s a strong confidence that God will deliver and keep His promises according to His word.

The Lord is the mother’s light and salvation; therefore, she has nothing to fear for her children. She knows that God will keep and direct them along the way. Fear will test a mother’s heart and mind, especially at night. However, she reminds herself that God hasn’t given her a spirit of fear but of power, love, and sound mind; she sleeps in peace.


Dear Lord, I pray that You will continually strengthen my heart to trust in You and that fear will find no place here. Let me be the example of a fearless mother so that my children will learn to step out in faith and courage. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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