A Consistent Praise


Rejoice in the Lord always

Philippians 4:4

It’s amazing the amount of energy sports fans put into their beloved teams. People paint their bodies from head to toe. They spend a great deal of money attending home games, and they invest a lot of time into planning game-time get-togethers with friends and family. But most of all, they naturally celebrate with clapping, shouting, jumping, screaming, and lifting hands up in the air when their team wins a difficult game.

Yet many of those same people—some who are believers—wouldn’t dream of doing even a quarter of that same energy for God. It’s understandable to an extent because we respond to things in which we have a great deal of interest and investment. Some believers go to church on Sunday faithfully. They give some of their money in the offering, and they participate in big church activities. These are fine ways of demonstrating their service to God; however, we must be careful to not allow a game to get more glory and rejoicing than what we give to God.

We are called to rejoice in the Lord always. Our rejoicing in God may look and feel different from others rejoicing in God. Rather than comparing how we rejoice, let’s rejoice in God every single day of our lives. Our rejoicing springs out of our relationship with Him. Those who invest more into a relationship with Jesus will have a greater sense of rejoicing in Him than those who invest little.

Remember the sinful woman in Luke 7? She gave everything she had to Jesus when the Pharisees offered him very little. Jesus used the Parable of the Debtors to illustrate the difference between those who are forgiven much to those who are forgiven little. His point was that those who are forgiven little love little.


Dear Lord, help me to rejoice in You every day, always. Help me to know You in a deeper, more meaningful way so that my rejoicing will reflect our growing relationship. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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