At the end of time, Satan and his demons will be thrown into the lake of fire to be tormented every single day and night forever. He knows that he is in a losing battle so it’s his agenda to take as many people as he can with him. The devil will do everything it takes to get those who aren’t going with him to fail. He uses other people to frustrate, persecute, and ridicule the saints of God. Even if Satan wins a scuffle every now and then, he’s losing ground every day.
As believers, we stand in the gap for our family and friends that our deceived by the devil. We do this as we intercede and witness to them. Our testimony of God’s grace and deliverance over our lives is a powerful weapon against the devil. In addition, as we learn God’s word—we fight Satan in the battle of our minds as we speak God’s word of truth to his lies.
Dear Lord, help me to remember that Satan is defeated and to stand up in the name of Jesus against his tactics. I pray for your Spirit to drive me towards victory every single day. In Jesus’ name, amen.
In His Service,
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