Compelled by the Calling

Who saved us and called us to a holy calling…

1 Timothy 1:9

Have you ever had this conversation with God? “Okay God…I’ll complete this one thing, but after that I’m done. I just want to be like normal people—go to work, go home, and church on Sundays. I’m tired and worn out.”

Every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ has a unique calling. Our callings are determined by God for His own purpose and grace. Many of us get tired in the calling because of the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical drain. We may talk and think about doing other things; yet we are compelled by the Holy Spirit to move forward in the calling.

The calling of God is the umbrella that hovers over everything in our lives. We don’t have to be in full-time ministry to have a calling. His calling impacts our relationships, occupation, and community. Our view and purpose in life isn’t just about what we do, where we live, or who’s in our family. It’s much bigger than that—the calling of God drives us to see the bigger picture of eternity and the impact of our role in living out truth.

When we get tired of the calling, we need to fall on the grace of God. His grace strengthens us to go farther than where we can go, to believe more than what we dare to believe, and to influence the kingdom of Christ more than we ever thought possible.

The calling is real. Keep pressing into the Holy Spirit for the strength and courage to move forward.


Dear Lord, I’m compelled by the calling in my life to move forward. Strengthen me by Your grace to press forward even when I feel weak. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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