How To Pray in Desperate Times


Save us, we pray, O Lord! O Lord, we pray, give us success!

Psalm 118:25

It’s difficult to deal with an emergency if we haven’t prepared for it. It is the same with prayer. If we wait until our desperate moments to pray, we can miss “how” we are to pray at that time. Sometimes in those difficult times, we aren’t to pray for God to remove the pain. Rather, we may be lead to pray for His will and purpose to be done. How can we know how to P.R.A.Y. in desperate times?

P – Prepare ahead of time. (Psalm 69:13)
When we pray daily, we are more prepared to pray in desperate times. In addition to praying throughout the day, it helps if we discipline ourselves to set aside a certain time specifically for prayer. In this way, when problems come our way, we have confidence in our prayer relationship with God.

R – Remember that God is in control. (2 Chronicles 20:6)
Many of us try to figure out what went wrong when things suddenly fall apart. While there is some room for reflection, we also must consider that God is in control of everything. He knew before we did what was coming towards us, and we can trust in Him to take care of us.

A – Activate our faith in God. (Romans 10:8, 17)
It’s easier to believe in God when everything is going as planned. However, when the bottom falls out, our faith is tested by the world, the devil, and our flesh. This is when we need to draw even closer to His word so that our faith will be strengthened in spite of the storm all around us.

Y – Yoke up with other believers. (Matthew 18:20)
As believers in Christ Jesus, we are a part of His body, the church. We can unite with other Christians to join us in praying to God for help. When we as a group yoke together, united in prayer, there’s unbelievable power from God to move on our behalf.


Dear Lord, help me to pray as You lead in my tough time. I want to be found faithful in this time of testing. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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