Focus on your Haves not your Have-nots

For I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.

Philippians 4:11

Our culture is always offering us something better than what we already have. As soon as we pay for a new phone—there’s another one on the market with a better camera, reception, or audio quality. It could be an athletic shoe that promises to make our kids jump higher or move faster. While there’s nothing wrong with creativity and being on the leading edge of technology, we also need to master the art of contentment.

When we focus on our haves—we take the time to express thankfulness to God for everything He has given us both spiritually and naturally. Many of us aren’t the wealthiest in our neighborhoods nor do we work at an executive level; however, we are rich in joy, peace, and love. We may not own the latest and greatest in homes, clothing, or technology; however, we have what we need to live in our communities.

When we focus on our have-nots—we take the risk that a root of bitterness may spring up in our souls. As a result, we find ourselves struggling with envy and jealousy of everyone who has things that we don’t have for ourselves.

Mastering contentment touches every level of our lives—learning to be content in our relationships, workplaces, and attitudes. It’s not settling for just anything, rather it’s raising the bar on knowing the difference between what we need versus what we want. Because of our dependence and allegiance to Jesus Christ, we aren’t subject to the pulling of our culture to the right nor left. We make our own pathway based on God’s leading our footsteps in the right direction.


Dear Lord, help me to keep my heart secure in contentment at all times. Thank You for everything You have given me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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